Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Monday, 25 July 2011
An ice maker, ice generator,or ice machine may refer to either a consumer device for making ice, found inside a home freezer; a stand-alone appliance for making ice, or an industrial machine for making ice on a large scale. The term "ice machine" usually refers to the stand-alone appliance.

Commercial ice cube makers improve the quality of ice by using moving water. The water is run down a surface that is constantly at 32 degrees F because only water without impurities will freeze at this temperature on a surface.[4] Water with impurities requires lower temperatures to freeze and will continue to wash down the surface and through the drain of a commercial ice maker. Air and undissolved solids will be washed away to such an extent that in horizontal evaporator machines the water has 98% of the solids removed resulting in very hard virtually pure, clear ice. In vertical evaporators the ice is softer, more so if there are actual individual cube cells. Commercial ice machines can make different sizes of ice like flakers, crushed, cube, octagon, and tube.
When the sheet of ice on the cold surface reaches the desired thickness, the sheet is slid down onto a grid of wires, where the sheet's weight causes it to be cut into the desired shapes, after which it falls into a storage bin
source from wikipedia
source from wikipedia
kursus blog
syarikat kami telah menghantar wakil ke Dormani hotel untuk menghadiri kursus pemasaran online dan menjana pendapatan melalui internet. pada hari ini kami telah di ajar untuk membuat blog syarikat kami.
Bahan-bahan (A) :
2 sudu besar gula (utk bt gula hangus)
*tabur gula dlm loyang n msk ats api perlahan..biar gula hancur n wrna tukar jd perang)
Bahan-bahan (B) :
Bahagian Atas
1/2 tin susu cair
70gm gula kastor
1/2 sudu teh esen vanila
3 bj kuning telur
Bahan-bahan (C) :
Lapisan Kek
140gm tepung gandum
70gm gula kastor
3 bj kuning telur
135ml air biasa
1 sudu teh baking powder
45ml minyak msk
Bahan-bahan (D):
6 bj putih telur
70gm gula kastor
1 sudu teh krim of tartar
Cara membuatnya:
1. Kacau semua bhn (B) perlahan2...
2. masukkan (B) td dlm loyang gula hangus tadi.
3. pukul bahan (C)
4. pukul sampai bhn (D) smpai jd kembang n bila kita angkat dia x jatuh...
5. campurkan adunan (C) + (D) dan gaul ngan senduk hingga sebati..
6. bahagikan kpd beberapa bahgian n letak warna
7. masukkan kedlm loyang yg td..
8. Bakar cara double boiling - selama 1jam suhu 160-180C
9. Bila msk angkat dan rest 10 minit br t'balik kan kek yg dibakar tadi...
10.Masukkan dlm peti sejuk 1jam dan lepas tu makannnn...
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